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Illustration, Textile Design, Art Instruction, Custom Portraits
Children’s Books Illustration
Textile and Fashion Design
Custom Portraits
Of Cats and Dogs
Art Dolls
Teacher Resources
mood board for neutral colors
original design
original design
samples from company library in neutrals
mood board for spots/dots trend
mood board for plant print trend
mood board for spring colors
mood board for prints based on natural textures
original design
textile design applied on the garment photo
color story designed for a garment manufacturer
color story applied on print collection
twin print design concept
pink/purple/grey color story
blue/aqua/taupe color story
fall colorway sample
fall colorway story 1
fall colorway story 2
tonal color separation and repeat
tonal prints applied on the garments
spring/summer colorway and tonal color separation
Spring/summer colorway choices
original concept, juvenile
original concept, juvenile
cats pajama, original print
panda pajama, original print
elephant pajama, original print